What Scent Keeps Bed Bugs Away?

Are you tired of bed bugs invading your home and disrupting your sleep? Bed bugs are not only an annoyance but can also be a health hazard. They feed on human blood, causing itchy bites and potentially transmitting diseases. If you’re looking for a natural solution to keep these pesky insects away, you may be wondering, what scent keeps bed bugs away?

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various scents that bed bugs find repulsive and how to use them effectively to keep bed bugs at bay. We will also discuss some frequently asked questions about bed bugs and provide answers to help you understand how to deal with this common pest.


Best Scents To Keep Bed Bugs Away

Here are some of the best scents available that can keep the bedbugs away from you. We will discuss this one by one.

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is a popular disinfectant. It has been used for ages for this purpose. This can really keep the bedbugs away from your bed if you sprinkle it in the form of spray on your bed mattress. The bed bug will not come to you and even this stops the reproduction process. If in direct contact then it may even kill the bed bugs. If the alcohol separate directly falls on the eggs this will destroy their eggs. 

The only problem with this bed bug killer is that it can be easily turned into fire. So this requires your higher tension and protective measure from you. If you are trying to use the alcohol as a weapon to keep the bedbugs away from you. Then you must fully assure that there should be no naked flame near. 

Best Scents To Keep Bed Bugs Away

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Lavender Oil

Another strong oil with a strong scent is lavender oil. You can either spray on your bed or you can use the atomizer. Different atomizers are placed at different locations. In this way, your home can be saved from bed bugs. Due to the pungent smell, the bedbugs cannot tolerate these and ran away. Although this smell is pungent for bed bugs.  But you must find it useful. Make sure while you are spraying the oil on your bed for your furniture your pets should not be near. If your pets are in the home use oil this will not be good for them either. 

Lavender oil

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Tea Tree Oil

Toxic in nature this oil can provide you long-term relief from bed bugs. Therefore we suggest that you should do due care while spraying it as these are not at all safe for pets and even for humans. 

The process of the application is really simple. What you need to do is just to take a plastic bottle and 10 to 20 drops of oil in. Mix it well with the water. Now spray it on the bed. You can also spray it on the furniture that is affected. 

Another problem with this is the smell. Not all people can easily tolerate this harsh smell.  If you can tolerate the smell of these. This can provide you with the best solution that can keep the bedbugs away from you. If in direct contact with the bed bugs this can even kill the bed bugs for good. 

Handcraft Tea Tree Essential Oi

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Blood Orange Oil

This oil is made in combination with the extract of different oranges. Made from natural ingredients does not make it suitable to use for pets and even humans. 

The application of less oil is more or less simple as the previous oils. The only thing you must remember is that the kids on the pets should not be in that area where you will apply this. 

Just put it in a plastic bottle, mix it with some water and sprinkle it on the area which you want to be bed bug free. 

The other two ways to use this oil is through a diffuser and you can even put it on the frame of the bed.  Once the frame of the bed it will keep away the bed bugs. 

Blood Orange Oil

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Neem Oil

If you want an ultimate solution for bed bugs then this is recommended for you. This can not only keep the bed bugs away but has the quality to kill the larvas of the bed bugs. You can apply it to the frame of the bed. Once applied this can easily remain there for several days. Neem oil is the extract of a plant. This plant is not antibacterial. These antibacterial qualities made it a favorite to be used in different medicines. 

If you want you can have some leaves of the tree under different mattresses and carpets. This will keep the bed bugs away not only from your mattresses but also from the carpets. 

Neem Oil

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Peppermint Oil

This oil is widely used to calm the sensation. This is due to the reason that it has menthol as a key ingredient. Peppermint is also used in food to give it an aroma. Soups are specially decorated with paper mint. Even when it is used for bathing it provides a soothing effect. This is a reason that you may find it in different soaps. 

If you want a short time and in need of a rapid measure to control the bed bugs then you will apply the peppermint oil spray. 

Especially for staying in a hotel. Then this spray is best to use. This will not only keep the bedbugs away but also provides the atmosphere with a refreshing effect. 

Peppermint Oil

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Spearmint Oil

Spearmint has the same effect as peppermint oil. But as the portion of the mint is relatively low in it it may not be as effective as the previous oil. Even then it is quite effective in controlling bed bugs. If you separate on the bed the bed bugs will not be able to bite you and disturb you during the night. 

Spearmint Oil

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Diatomaceous Earth

This substance has been used for the prevention of bed bugs. This is in the powdered form. Sprinkles it around the bed or the spaces where the bed bugs can be found. The pungent smell will keep the bed bugs away. Secondly, it has the ability to destroy the outer shell. The outer shell of the bed bug has been destroyed. The bed bug will dehydrate and die. 

Diatomaceous Earth is also dangerous for pets. So be sure that the birds should remain away while you apply the diatomaceous earth. Secondly, when you pick it back you will use the vacuum cleaner. Some traditional vacuum cleaners do not have the capability to suck the diatomaceous earth. It can make motor jam and can create a problem for you. This is not effective for the eggs. So if you kill all the adults they will reappear after some time from the eggs. Moreover, you should be careful while applying the dust by wearing gloves. 

Diatomaceous Earth

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Lemon Juice

This is magic. And you can find this magic easily in your kitchen. Take one or two lemon cuts in the middle. Mix it in some water. Spray it in your room. Yes, I know that it will fill your room with a fresh smell. Secondly, it will keep the bed bugs away. The bed bugs cannot tolerate the smell of the lemon. The good thing is the same smell which is not tolerable for the bed bugs will keep the atmosphere of the room fresh. 

Most importantly it is an entirely safe thing for the children in the home and your pets. So this is the safest available solution that you can use very very very easily. 

Lemon Juice

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The Pepper

This is another ingredient from your kitchen. It is also really very effective against bed bugs. But this is also dangerous for you. It may cause irritation to the naked skin and may cause more severe problems for the eyes. 

If you inhale this it may cause you to sneeze again and again. therefore although effective but this solution is not recommended. 

The Pepper

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Cinnamon Sticks

If you keep the cinnamon sticks in your bed. Then this will certainly create a problem for the bed bugs. The bedbugs will remain away from your bed. Another effective solution from your kitchen. 

Cinnamon Sticks

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These are all temporary reliefs. All of these are easily available to you. You may find some of those in the shops near you. Others may also be found even in your kitchen. None of those can provide you a permanent solution. The most effective one of these permanent solutions is orange blood orange oil.

For temporary relief, these are the best. Especially when you are traveling. If you are looking for a more permanent solution, we highly recommend you hire a professional to perform this job. 


How Do I Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

Getting rid of bed bugs can be difficult, and may require the help of a professional exterminator. However, using natural remedies such as scents that repel bed bugs can be an effective way to prevent infestations and keep your home pest-free.

Can Scents Completely Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

While scents such as lavender, peppermint, and tea tree can repel bed bugs, they may not be effective in completely getting rid of an infestation. It’s best to use scents in combination with other bed bug prevention methods, such as cleaning and decluttering your home and using bed bug-proof mattress covers